Current status: Giving away products and responsibilities! 👻

As I’m getting ready for my new full-time job (starting in November 6th), I’m using my free time to tidy up and release all my projects. 💎

Adrien Joly
2 min readOct 27, 2017

🔮 Promoting Openwhyd to contributors and donators

Summary of proposed projects and duties towards Openwhyd 2.0

On Wednesday, I presented the story of Openwhyd, its current status and my wishes for its future, at the Node.js Paris meetup.

One of the most important slides I displayed is the one above, because it shows exciting opportunities for contributors to join and take an impactful role in the collaborative project.

At that occasion, I let the audience know that I was willing to give away most of my roles and responsibilities (including decisional ones) to motivate contributors who were excited and determined to take them. So let me know if you want to know more!

🎀 Open-sourced my auto-grading evaluation suite!

This is how exams I give to my students look like

Js-test has probably been my biggest solo project. I developed it in order to evaluate my students more efficiently, and used it to give them daily quizzes, self-graded training exercises and exams.

It saved me so much time over the years that I even had considered to commercialise it, at some point.

But now that I’m tired of my entrepreneurial efforts, I decided to release it publicly on Github, as an open-source project! (🇫🇷 French teachers: read this announcement)

Now, I’m curious to see if it’s useful to fellow teachers! Happy to read your thoughts on this, if any.

That’s it for today! Have a scary Halloween and talk to you soon! 👻



Adrien Joly

👨‍💻 Software crafter @SHODO, legacy code / tech debt doctor ( 🥁 Drummer of “Harissa”, VR lover, music digger